]> Sergey Matveev's repositories - public-inbox.git/blob - lib/PublicInbox/LeiQuery.pm
lei rediff: capture and regenerate file modes
[public-inbox.git] / lib / PublicInbox / LeiQuery.pm
1 # Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
2 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
4 # handles lei <q|ls-query|rm-query|mv-query> commands
5 package PublicInbox::LeiQuery;
6 use strict;
7 use v5.10.1;
9 sub prep_ext { # externals_each callback
10         my ($lxs, $exclude, $loc) = @_;
11         $lxs->prepare_external($loc) unless $exclude->{$loc};
12 }
14 sub _start_query { # used by "lei q" and "lei up"
15         my ($self) = @_;
16         require PublicInbox::LeiOverview;
17         PublicInbox::LeiOverview->new($self) or return;
18         my $opt = $self->{opt};
19         my ($xj, $mj) = split(/,/, $opt->{jobs} // '');
20         if (defined($xj) && $xj ne '' && $xj !~ /\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) {
21                 return $self->fail("`$xj' search jobs must be >= 1");
22         }
23         my $lxs = $self->{lxs};
24         $xj ||= $lxs->concurrency($opt); # allow: "--jobs ,$WRITER_ONLY"
25         my $nproc = $lxs->detect_nproc || 1; # don't memoize, schedtool(1) exists
26         $xj = $nproc if $xj > $nproc;
27         $lxs->{-wq_nr_workers} = $xj;
28         if (defined($mj) && $mj !~ /\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) {
29                 return $self->fail("`$mj' writer jobs must be >= 1");
30         }
31         my $l2m = $self->{l2m};
32         # we use \1 (a ref) to distinguish between default vs. user-supplied
33         if ($l2m && grep { $opt->{$_} //= \1 } (qw(mail-sync import-remote
34                                                         import-before))) {
35                 $self->_lei_store(1)->write_prepare($self);
36         }
37         $l2m and $l2m->{-wq_nr_workers} = $mj // do {
38                 $mj = int($nproc * 0.75 + 0.5); # keep some CPU for git
39         };
41         # descending docid order is cheapest, MUA controls sorting order
42         $self->{mset_opt}->{relevance} //= -2 if $l2m || $opt->{threads};
43         if ($self->{net}) {
44                 require PublicInbox::LeiAuth;
45                 $self->{auth} = PublicInbox::LeiAuth->new
46         }
47         $lxs->do_query($self);
48 }
50 sub qstr_add { # PublicInbox::InputPipe::consume callback for --stdin
51         my ($self) = @_; # $_[1] = $rbuf
52         if (defined($_[1])) {
53                 $_[1] eq '' and return eval {
54                         if (my $dfd = $self->{3}) {
55                                 chdir($dfd) or return $self->fail("fchdir: $!");
56                         }
57                         $self->{mset_opt}->{q_raw} = $self->{mset_opt}->{qstr};
58                         $self->{lse}->query_approxidate($self->{lse}->git,
59                                                 $self->{mset_opt}->{qstr});
60                         _start_query($self);
61                 };
62                 $self->{mset_opt}->{qstr} .= $_[1];
63         } else {
64                 $self->fail("error reading stdin: $!");
65         }
66 }
68 sub lxs_prepare {
69         my ($self) = @_;
70         require PublicInbox::LeiXSearch;
71         # prepare any number of LeiXSearch || LeiSearch || Inbox || URL
72         my $lxs = $self->{lxs} = PublicInbox::LeiXSearch->new;
73         my $opt = $self->{opt};
74         my @only = @{$opt->{only} // []};
75         # --local is enabled by default unless --only is used
76         # we'll allow "--only $LOCATION --local"
77         my $sto = $self->_lei_store(1); # FIXME: should not create
78         $self->{lse} = $sto->search;
79         if ($opt->{'local'} //= scalar(@only) ? 0 : 1) {
80                 $lxs->prepare_external($self->{lse});
81         }
82         if (@only) {
83                 for my $loc (@only) {
84                         my @loc = $self->get_externals($loc) or return;
85                         $lxs->prepare_external($_) for @loc;
86                 }
87         } else {
88                 my (@ilocals, @iremotes);
89                 for my $loc (@{$opt->{include} // []}) {
90                         my @loc = $self->get_externals($loc) or return;
91                         $lxs->prepare_external($_) for @loc;
92                         @ilocals = @{$lxs->{locals} // []};
93                         @iremotes = @{$lxs->{remotes} // []};
94                 }
95                 # --external is enabled by default, but allow --no-external
96                 if ($opt->{external} //= 1) {
97                         my %x;
98                         for my $loc (@{$opt->{exclude} // []}) {
99                                 my @l = $self->get_externals($loc, 1) or return;
100                                 $x{$_} = 1 for @l;
101                         }
102                         my $ne = $self->externals_each(\&prep_ext, $lxs, \%x);
103                         $opt->{remote} //= !($lxs->locals - $opt->{'local'});
104                         if ($opt->{'local'}) {
105                                 $lxs->{remotes} = \@iremotes if !$opt->{remote};
106                         } else {
107                                 $lxs->{locals} = \@ilocals;
108                         }
109                 }
110         }
111         ($lxs->locals || $lxs->remotes) ? ($self->{lxs} = $lxs) :
112                 $self->fail('no local or remote inboxes to search');
113 }
115 # the main "lei q SEARCH_TERMS" method
116 sub lei_q {
117         my ($self, @argv) = @_;
118         PublicInbox::Config->json; # preload before forking
119         my $lxs = lxs_prepare($self) or return;
120         $self->ale->refresh_externals($lxs);
121         my $opt = $self->{opt};
122         my %mset_opt = map { $_ => $opt->{$_} } qw(threads limit offset);
123         $mset_opt{asc} = $opt->{'reverse'} ? 1 : 0;
124         $mset_opt{limit} //= 10000;
125         if (defined(my $sort = $opt->{'sort'})) {
126                 if ($sort eq 'relevance') {
127                         $mset_opt{relevance} = 1;
128                 } elsif ($sort eq 'docid') {
129                         $mset_opt{relevance} = $mset_opt{asc} ? -1 : -2;
130                 } elsif ($sort =~ /\Areceived(?:-?[aA]t)?\z/) {
131                         # the default
132                 } else {
133                         die "unrecognized --sort=$sort\n";
134                 }
135         }
136         $self->{mset_opt} = \%mset_opt;
138         if ($opt->{stdin}) {
139                 return $self->fail(<<'') if @argv;
140 no query allowed on command-line with --stdin
142                 require PublicInbox::InputPipe;
143                 PublicInbox::InputPipe::consume($self->{0}, \&qstr_add, $self);
144                 return;
145         }
146         $mset_opt{q_raw} = [ @argv ]; # copy
147         $mset_opt{qstr} =
148                 $self->{lse}->query_argv_to_string($self->{lse}->git, \@argv);
149         _start_query($self);
150 }
152 # shell completion helper called by lei__complete
153 sub _complete_q {
154         my ($self, @argv) = @_;
155         my $ext = qr/\A(?:-I|(?:--(?:include|exclude|only)))\z/;
156         my @cur;
157         while (@argv) {
158                 if ($argv[-1] =~ $ext) {
159                         my @c = $self->_complete_forget_external(@cur);
160                         # try basename match:
161                         if (scalar(@cur) == 1 && index($cur[0], '/') < 0) {
162                                 my $all = $self->externals_each;
163                                 my %bn;
164                                 for my $loc (keys %$all) {
165                                         my $bn = (split(m!/!, $loc))[-1];
166                                         ++$bn{$bn};
167                                 }
168                                 push @c, grep {
169                                         $bn{$_} == 1 && /\A\Q$cur[0]/
170                                 } keys %bn;
171                         }
172                         return @c if @c;
173                 }
174                 unshift(@cur, pop @argv);
175         }
176         ();
177 }
179 # Stuff we may pass through to curl (as of 7.64.0), see curl manpage for
180 # details, so most options which make sense for HTTP/HTTPS (including proxy
181 # support for Tor and other methods of getting past weird networks).
182 # Most of these are untested by us, some may not make sense for our use case
183 # and typos below are likely.
184 # n.b. some short options (-$NUMBER) are not supported since they conflict
185 # with other "lei q" switches.
186 # FIXME: Getopt::Long doesn't easily let us support support options with
187 # '.' in them (e.g. --http1.1)
188 # TODO: should we depend on "-c http.*" options for things which have
189 # analogues in git(1)? that would reduce likelyhood of conflicts with
190 # our other CLI options
191 # Note: some names are renamed to avoid potential conflicts,
192 # see %lei2mail in lib/PublicInbox/LeiCurl.pm
193 sub curl_opt { qw(
194         curl-config=s@
195         abstract-unix-socket=s anyauth basic cacert=s capath=s
196         cert-status cert-type cert=s ciphers=s
197         connect-timeout=s connect-to=s cookie-jar=s cookie=s crlfile=s
198         digest disable dns-interface=s dns-ipv4-addr=s dns-ipv6-addr=s
199         dns-servers=s doh-url=s egd-file=s engine=s false-start
200         happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms=s haproxy-protocol header=s@
201         http2-prior-knowledge http2 insecure
202         interface=s ipv4 ipv6 junk-session-cookies
203         key-type=s key=s limit-rate=s local-port=s location-trusted location
204         max-redirs=i max-time=s negotiate netrc-file=s netrc-optional netrc
205         no-alpn no-buffer no-npn no-sessionid noproxy=s ntlm-wb ntlm
206         pass=s pinnedpubkey=s post301 post302 post303 preproxy=s
207         proxy-anyauth proxy-basic proxy-cacert=s proxy-capath=s
208         proxy-cert-type=s proxy-cert=s proxy-ciphers=s proxy-crlfile=s
209         proxy-digest proxy-header=s@ proxy-insecure
210         proxy-key-type=s proxy-key proxy-negotiate proxy-ntlm proxy-pass=s
211         proxy-pinnedpubkey=s proxy-service-name=s proxy-ssl-allow-beast
212         proxy-tls13-ciphers=s proxy-tlsauthtype=s proxy-tlspassword=s
213         proxy-tlsuser=s proxy-tlsv1 proxy-user=s proxy=s
214         proxytunnel=s pubkey=s random-file=s referer=s resolve=s
215         retry-connrefused retry-delay=s retry-max-time=s retry=i
216         sasl-ir service-name=s socks4=s socks4a=s socks5-basic
217         socks5-gssapi-service-name=s socks5-gssapi socks5-hostname=s socks5=s
218         speed-limit speed-type ssl-allow-beast sslv2 sslv3
219         suppress-connect-headers tcp-fastopen tls-max=s
220         tls13-ciphers=s tlsauthtype=s tlspassword=s tlsuser=s
221         tlsv1 trace-ascii=s trace-time trace=s
222         unix-socket=s user-agent=s user=s
223 )
224 }
226 1;