]> Sergey Matveev's repositories - btrtrc.git/blob - storage/test/bench-piece-mark-complete.go
Get benchmarks working
[btrtrc.git] / storage / test / bench-piece-mark-complete.go
1 package test_storage
3 import (
4         "bytes"
5         "io"
6         "io/ioutil"
7         "math/rand"
8         "sync"
9         "testing"
11         "github.com/anacrolix/torrent/metainfo"
12         "github.com/anacrolix/torrent/storage"
13         "github.com/bradfitz/iter"
14         qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
15 )
17 const (
18         ChunkSize        = 1 << 14
19         DefaultPieceSize = 2 << 20
20         DefaultCapacity  = 0
21         DefaultNumPieces = 16
22 )
24 func BenchmarkPieceMarkComplete(
25         b *testing.B, ci storage.ClientImpl,
26         pieceSize int64, numPieces int,
27         // This drives any special handling around capacity that may be configured into the storage
28         // implementation.
29         capacity int64,
30 ) {
31         const check = true
32         c := qt.New(b)
33         info := &metainfo.Info{
34                 Pieces:      make([]byte, numPieces*metainfo.HashSize),
35                 PieceLength: pieceSize,
36                 Length:      pieceSize * int64(numPieces),
37                 Name:        "TorrentName",
38         }
39         ti, err := ci.OpenTorrent(info, metainfo.Hash{})
40         c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
41         defer ti.Close()
42         rand.Read(info.Pieces)
43         data := make([]byte, pieceSize)
44         b.SetBytes(int64(numPieces) * pieceSize)
45         oneIter := func() {
46                 for pieceIndex := range iter.N(numPieces) {
47                         pi := ti.Piece(info.Piece(pieceIndex))
48                         if check {
49                                 rand.Read(data)
50                         }
51                         var wg sync.WaitGroup
52                         for off := int64(0); off < int64(len(data)); off += ChunkSize {
53                                 wg.Add(1)
54                                 go func(off int64) {
55                                         defer wg.Done()
56                                         n, err := pi.WriteAt(data[off:off+ChunkSize], off)
57                                         if err != nil {
58                                                 panic(err)
59                                         }
60                                         if n != ChunkSize {
61                                                 panic(n)
62                                         }
63                                 }(off)
64                         }
65                         wg.Wait()
66                         b.StopTimer()
67                         if capacity == 0 {
68                                 pi.MarkNotComplete()
69                         }
70                         b.StartTimer()
71                         // This might not apply if users of this benchmark don't cache with the expected capacity.
72                         c.Assert(pi.Completion(), qt.Equals, storage.Completion{Complete: false, Ok: true})
73                         c.Assert(pi.MarkComplete(), qt.IsNil)
74                         c.Assert(pi.Completion(), qt.Equals, storage.Completion{true, true})
75                         if check {
76                                 readData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.NewSectionReader(pi, 0, int64(len(data))))
77                                 c.Check(err, qt.IsNil)
78                                 c.Assert(len(readData), qt.Equals, len(data))
79                                 c.Assert(bytes.Equal(readData, data), qt.IsTrue)
80                         }
81                 }
82         }
83         // Fill the cache
84         if capacity > 0 {
85                 for range iter.N(int((capacity + info.TotalLength() - 1) / info.TotalLength())) {
86                         oneIter()
87                 }
88         }
89         b.ResetTimer()
90         for range iter.N(b.N) {
91                 oneIter()
92         }
93 }