]> Sergey Matveev's repositories - dotfiles.git/blob - x/.Xresources
Ability to screenshot the whole screen
[dotfiles.git] / x / .Xresources
1 Xft.dpi: 96
2 Xft.hinting: true
3 Xft.antialias: true
4 Xft.autohint: false
6 XTerm.termName: screen-256color
7 XTerm.vt100.internalBorder: 0
8 XTerm.vt100.faceName: Inconsolata LGC:pixelsize=16:antialias=false:autohint=true
9 XTerm.vt100.foreground: gray90
10 XTerm.vt100.background: black
11 XTerm.vt100.cursorColor: white
12 XTerm.vt100.colorITMode: true
13 XTerm.vt100.colorIT: yellow
14 XTerm.vt100.saveLines: 0
15 XTerm.vt100.scrollBar: false
16 XTerm.vt100.utf8: 1
17 XTerm.vt100.eightBitInput: true
18 XTerm.vt100.bellIsUrgent: true
19 XTerm.vt100.charClass: 33-126:48
20 XTerm.vt100.Translations: #override \
21     Shift<Key>Page_Up: string("\e[5;2~") \n \
22     <Key>Menu: string("\ 1") \n \
23     <Key>Super_R: string("\ 1") \n \
24     Shift Alt<Key>Insert: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1)
25 XTerm.vt100.trimSelection: true