--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# dmon -- DTrace-backed TCP/IP real-time monitoring utility
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Sergey Matveev <stargrave@stargrave.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ die "Usage: $0 [tcp|ifname0 ifname1 ...]\n";
+use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
+my ($dfh, $dfn) = tempfile();
+END { unlink $dfn };
+print $dfh "
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10Hz
+ printf(\"T\\n\");
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "tcp") {
+ sub tcpprobe {
+ my ($probe, $dir) = @_;
+ print $dfh "
+ printf(\"$dir [%s]:%d [%s]:%d %d\\n\",
+ args[2]->ip_saddr,
+ args[4]->tcp_sport,
+ args[2]->ip_daddr,
+ args[4]->tcp_dport,
+ args[2]->ip_plength);
+ };
+ tcpprobe "tcp:::send", ">";
+ tcpprobe "tcp:::receive", "<";
+} else {
+ sub ipprobe {
+ my ($probe, $dir) = @_;
+ my $conds = join " || ", map { "args[3]->if_name == \"$_\"" } @ARGV;
+ print $dfh "
+ printf(\"$dir %s %s %d %s\\n\",
+ args[2]->ip_saddr,
+ args[2]->ip_daddr,
+ args[2]->ip_plength,
+ args[3]->if_name);
+ };
+ ipprobe "ip:::send", ">";
+ ipprobe "ip:::receive", "<";
+my $height = (defined $ENV{DMON_HEIGHT}) ? $ENV{DMON_HEIGHT} : 40;
+my @sizePrefix = ("E", "P", "T", "G", "M", "K");
+my @countBound = (1e18, 1e15, 1e12, 1e9, 1e6, 1e3);
+my @sizeBound = (1<<60, 1<<50, 1<<40, 1<<30, 1<<20, 1<<10);
+sub human {
+ my ($s, $suffix, $bounds) = @_;
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$bounds}) {
+ next if $s < @{$bounds}[$i];
+ return sprintf "%.2f %s%s", $s / @{$bounds}[$i], $sizePrefix[$i], $suffix;
+ };
+ return "$s $suffix";
+sub humanCount { return human shift, "", \@countBound }
+sub humanSize { return human shift, "iB", \@sizeBound }
+my (%tx, %rx);
+my ($pktsRx, $pktsTx, $bytesRx, $bytesTx) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+format STDOUT_TOP =
+@>>>>>>>>>> / @<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>>>>> / @<<<<<<<<<<<<
+humanCount($pktsRx), humanCount($pktsTx), humanSize($bytesRx), humanSize($bytesTx)
+my ($left, $dir, $right, $size);
+format STDOUT =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @| @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>
+$left, $dir, $right, humanSize($size)
+my $dexec;
+open $dexec, "-|", "dtrace -s $dfn" or die "$!";
+sleep 1;
+unlink $dfn;
+my $xx;
+while (<$dexec>) {
+ next unless /^[<>T]/;
+ my @cols = split;
+ if ($cols[0] eq "T") {
+ my @res;
+ foreach my $src (keys %rx) {
+ foreach my $dst (keys %{$rx{$src}}) {
+ push @res, [$dst, "<", $src, $rx{$src}{$dst}];
+ };
+ };
+ foreach my $src (keys %tx) {
+ foreach my $dst (keys %{$tx{$src}}) {
+ push @res, [$src, ">", $dst, $tx{$src}{$dst}];
+ };
+ };
+ @res = sort { @{$b}[-1] <=> @{$a}[-1] } @res;
+ printf "\033[H\033[J";
+ $- = 0;
+ foreach (@res[0..$height]) {
+ last unless defined;
+ ($left, $dir, $right, $size) = @{$_};
+ write STDOUT;
+ };
+ (%rx, %tx) = (), ();
+ next;
+ };
+ if ($cols[0] eq "<") {
+ $xx = \%rx;
+ $pktsRx++;
+ $bytesRx += $cols[3];
+ } else {
+ $xx = \%tx;
+ $pktsTx++;
+ $bytesTx += $cols[3];
+ };
+ if (defined ${$xx}{$cols[1]}) {
+ ${$xx}{$cols[1]}{$cols[2]} += $cols[3];
+ } else {
+ ${$xx}{$cols[1]} = {$cols[2] => $cols[3]};
+ };